10 Reasons to Marry a Fisherman:
This is a blog in response to all the blogs out there like THIS one, or this one HERE, about how you know you're in a relationship with a fisherman. They paint a rather bleak picture of who we are, and I'm not going to stand for it! Fishermen have played an important role throughout history, they are some of the greatest men to have ever walked the Earth. In fact, seven of Jesus's disciples were fisherman. The calling of Jewish fishermen was the first step in which God would take to shine the light of the gospel on all people. Yeah, God said that!
So, without further ado, here are 10 reasons you SHOULD marry a fisherman.
1. You always know where we are on the weekends, and it's never with that tramp from the bar last week because she won't wake up that early on a Saturday.
2. We're not afraid to touch stinky, green, slimy things. In fact, most of the time stinky, green, slimy things give us a rush. Just remember this next time the shower drain is clogged.
3. Our mood has a smell indicator. When we come home smelling like fish, you'll know we're in a great mood. This is a primo time to add something to the honey-do-list as we'll be much more likely to get it done without complaining.
4. We're a patient kind of people. We sit around for hours and hours waiting for that one big bite. Waiting 45 minutes for you to decide which dress to wear is nothing. Besides, in that 45 minutes, we can watch 4 or 5 fishing videos on YouTube.
5. We always carry snacks with us, which can come in handy for a few days each month. Beef jerky, corn chips, a PB&J, just don't be expecting any bananas.
6. You will learn how to back up a trailer, a skill that I'm willing to bet most of your lady friends don't have.

8. We appreciate beauty. Even on days where we catch fish after fish, we always come straight home and post a picture of the most gorgeous sunsets.
9. We are humble. We might even be more humble than Moses, the most humble man in the world according to Moses. We acknowledge the very few times we are outwitted by a species with a brain the size of a peanut.
10. You never have to worry about us running off with some other woman. Adultery is way too time consuming, that's time that could be spent out on the water. When we catch a trophy bass, we mount it on the wall and never let it go. When we catch a trophy woman, we put a ring on it and never let it go.
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